Who are we?
Welcome at Equinad.
My whole life I have loved horses and the last decade the passion for dressage has become greater, as well as the will to improve my riding skills.

This hunger for knowledge brought me to instructors such as Victor Alvarez, Rafael Soto, Mieke Lunskens, Jef Coenegrachts, Leunus van Lieren, Daniel Martin Dockx…
During the years, I became more interested in the world of breeders. I have now started working togetherwith my longtime friend and breeder, Claudia Peeraer.
Read more on the breedings pages…
The passion and desire to find horses that move well, have a good character and are functional for the sport up to the highest level have led to a constant search for horses with these characteristics that also pass the strictest veterinary inspections. This shared passion with Jef and Ann Coenegrachts has led to a cooperation with Coenegrachts Stables.

Apart from that search there is my passion for the PRE (Pura Raza Española) breed and was president of the Studbook Association of the PRE in Belgium (ANCCE-Belgica) for 6 years, out of love with this breed I organised, competitions, clinics and other events.
This beautyful breed with its fantastic noble caracter will always be in my hart… and stables ! The surch for exceptional PRE’s continues, most of the time I have 1 or more PRE’s for sale.